Cricket PNG BSP & Santos team L-R Bou Nao, Lucy Ovia, Tahuni Tom and Gomea Lohia with ICC’s CRIIO Booklets ready to deliver to Papua New Guinea Primary Schools
Cricket PNG’s Junior Player Pathway has just got a lot more exciting with the introduction of the ICC’s CRIIIO program that will be used through BSP School Kriket and Santos Love Cricket.
BSP Program Coordinator, Henao Samuel, said, “our expected increase in primary school student participation in Quarter 4 is looking good with the introduction of ICC’s CRIIIO program – a modified version of the game that uses cricket to unite, inspire and empower communities and participants. CRIIIO can be played by anyone, anytime, anywhere. A Pidgin version of the CRIIIO booklet is being finalized to strengthen the communication about CRIIIO to young primary students where English is their second or third language of choice.
CPNG’s Development Officer Helai Willie started the roll-out by delivering the CRIIIO facilitator course to CPNG’s NCD and Central province development officers yesterday.
CRIIIO will be trialed in 8 schools through NCD and will also form a major component at the All-Abilities Fun Day with participants from Cheshire Homes already confirmed to attend at Amini Park (with the final date to be confirmed as either 6th or 8th from 09:00am to 11:00am).
CPNG’s long standing partnership with BSP School Kriket program is run through primary schools that agree to take on the non-contact sport using specialized equipment sponsored by BSP. Supervision is carried out by CPNG’s BSP dedicated development officers who can be seen in primary schools throughout the country such as Paul Sibeth who recently visited schools on Kar Kar Island in the Madang Province to conduct the BSP School Kriket program. Teachers are also welcome to participate in the training and development programs. BSP throughout Papua New Guinea has introduced cricket to 100 Primary schools throughout Papua New Guinea, and in Q3 2023 reached 40,785. participants.
If your school is interested in taking part in the BSP School Kriket Program or the Santos Love Cricket that is run through the Gulf and Southern Highlands Province, email Henao Samuel on today to register.
END OF RELEASE 07/11/2023
For Further Information: Contact: Megan Taureka